The Booster Club exists for two reasons: fundraising and organizing activities for the team. We arrange events like the pasta feeds, end-of-season banquet, scholarships, coaches’ gifts, team t-shirts, invitational expenses, equipment and any other request the coaches may have to elevate the program to the highest level for all our athletes.
Unfortunately, the ASB sports fee which is paid to the school does not fully support our budget. ASB funds primarily fund entry fees, some uniform cost and some transportation cost. Therefore, we need your financial support. Please join the Booster Club today!
In order to be able to create an elite level program, we ask all families to join the Booster Club by either paying a minimum $150 Membership Fee or the purchase of 20 or more Car Wash Tickets. Because we are a 501(c)3 non-profit organization, your donation is tax deductible. Wolfpack EIN 77-0616862
Register here for Track & Field Boosters
If your employer matches charitable donations and volunteer hours, please take advantage of their program. We are registered with Starbucks, Boeing, Microsoft, and Costco.
Submit using :
Wolfpack EIN 77-0616862
PURPOSE: Eastlake Wolfpack and specify the sport as this is an umbrella organization for the booster clubs at the high school.
We always need help! If you would like to host a team event, help at a meet or help with the banquet please let us know - we love help! We will send out pleas throughout the season of specific needs.
We understand some families are financially not able to contribute, if this is the case for your family, please contact our booster club. Scholarships are available.